Despite fairly substantial resource barriers, many of us are drawn toward to integrating technology into our programs by its promise for teaching and learning. To realize this enormous potential, however, as has been emphasized throughout this course we must first address two crucial issues:

*  We must, of course, successfully plan for and deal with the inevitable practical issues that technology raises (e.g., acquisition, installation, and maintenance of equipment, etc).

*  Secondly and more importantly, we must clearly understand how technology can be used to enhance our curriculum.

It is safe to say that those of us who are currently undertaking the integration of technology into our programs are pioneers since learning technologies are a relatively new development in education.  In that "best practices" and "lessons learned" are just now evolving, it will be our successes and failures that will inform programs in the future. While there will likely be a bump or two on the road, it undoubtedly will be well worth the journey.

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