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Section 2.5: Assignment


1.    Below is the story of a student named Helen. Please write a brief summary like the three given in the section, "Meeting Some Literacy Learners." What is important to know about Helen with regard to teaching and learning?


Helen attended a vocational high school. She's working as a cook's helper in a fast food restaurant. Her work is quite routine, so she doesn't have to read new information at work very often. However, she would like to improve her reading and writing so she can take some courses and advance in her work.


Helen can read the menu from work and can read familiar recipes. Since starting tutoring, she has enjoyed reading stories that her tutor has helped her pick out. Helen sounds out words she doesn't recognize, but sometimes the words she comes up with don't make sense. Sometimes she can read a passage and recognize almost all the words, but not understand what she has read. Helen has very neat handwriting and can spell many words correctly. She is reluctant to write about her own ideas.


2.    In your own words, please describe what is meant by an "andragogical" approach to teaching and learning.


3.    Give three examples of the difference between an andragogical and pedagogical approach to learning.


4.    Why is a learner-centred approach important when working with adult students?


5.    Adult literacy learners generally fall into two 'streams' when it comes to their desire to improve their literacy skills. What are these?


6.    If you had a choice, which 'stream' would you prefer to work with and why?


7.    In general terms, what types of information would be important to collect when we first meet with an adult learner?


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