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As discussed in the section Course Information, assignments may be forwarded as a package to ALCE by e-mail, fax or mail. If you choose to send your assignment by e-mail, you may do one of two things:

image007.gif (183 bytes)  Type your assignment right into an e-mail message; or 

image007.gif (183 bytes)  Do up your assignment in a word processing document and attach to an e-mail message. The Adult Literacy and Continuing Education Department uses the word processing package Microsoft Word. Therefore, if you use a different word processing package (e.g., Word Perfect, Works), it is best to do your assignment right in an e-mail message. Or, if you do still want to use your word processing program, you will need to save your document as a "Rich Text Format" file. This format makes your document more easily readable between two different programs.


1.      What are three general uses for technology in adult literacy programs?

 2.      What is meant by "multimedia" technology?

3.      Why isn't a tape recorder considered a "multimedia" technology?

4.      What are "assistive" technologies used for?

5.      What is one advantage to using technology?

6.      What is one disadvantage to using technology?

7.      This online course is an example of which "mode of use"?

8.      What might you use a computer for if you are using a "mixed mode" with learners?

9.      What are three things you can do as an instructor to plan for technical "glitches?"

10.  Using the basic outline in Section 1.4.1, prepare a brief plan (point form is fine) for obtaining 3 or more computers for your program. Don't worry about actual costs or details such as exact dates for the timeline, just try to capture the main points or factors you will need to deal with at each stage.

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Send your completed assignments ( 1  & 2) as a package to ALL via one of the following methods:

Mail to: Correspondence Couse - Adult Learning & Literacy
                310 - 800 Portage Ave. Winnipeg, MB R3G 0N4


Fax: (204) 948-1008

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image007.gif (183 bytes)    Mail:              Correspondence Course

                              Adult Literacy and Continuing Education (ALCE)

                                    280 - 800 Portage Avenue

                                    Winnipeg, Manitoba   R3G 0N4

image007.gif (183 bytes)   E-mail:

image007.gif (183 bytes)   Fax:            (204) 948-3104 

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this page was last updated 10/17/01